Sunday, February 16, 2020

International Trade and Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Trade and Technology - Assignment Example It can be seen that countries that have the resources and capacity end up benefitting from the ideas originating from the other nations that have weaker intellectual property protection (Roos, 2008). However, such countries also stand better chances for development since their ideas can be improved to come up with valuable products. Countries need weak intellectual property protection when they are still in the developing stages and they do not have the resources to turn their ideas into valuable product. This will help these countries to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) that can boost their economies (Haydam, 2001). On the other hand, countries that have vibrant economies need stronger intellectual property protection in order to protect their interests. 2. The World Trade Organization (WTO) in partnership with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are specifically concerned with setting parameters for and directing the economic policies of governments around t he world (Haydam, 2001). In other words, WTO is responsible for facilitating trade among different nations and making sure that fair trade practices are upheld. However, the main issue with WTO is that it determines the amount of debt a country can get from international monetary organizations like IMF and World Bank. Developed countries enjoy an unfavourable advantage compared to developing countries which entails that they have an upper hand in various trade deals. The key element of The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is mainly related to protection of property rights. The technical barriers to the agreement involve the fact that less developed countries are often found at the receiving end since they may lack the technology and equipment to transform ideas into meaningful products that can be traded in order to boost their own local economies. As a result of the fact that developing nations may not have sufficient equipment to develop v arious products, they end up giving in to countries that have the resources which may not bring the anticipated results. 3. In most cases, the host country benefits from the international migration of scientists and technologists from poorer countries to wealthier countries. These people would boost growth and development in the host countries where they will get the opportunity to get jobs that suit their qualifications and skills. Warhurst (2008) suggest that migrant workers especially in developed countries positively contribute to their economic development. However, the main problem is that migrant workers are poorly remunerated since the host countries would also be intending to take advantage of them. Apart from failing to get salaries that are not commensurate with their skills and qualifications, the migrant workers will significantly contribute to the development of the host countries. Their knowledge and skills would be used to develop other countries while their own coun tries continue to lag behind in terms of development. Therefore, it can be seen that the host countries, developed nations in particular are the winners in as far as the aspect of skilled migrant workers is concerned. The original countries where these people come from are losers as a result of skills flight. The people who are supposed to carry out research and development project in the country

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Alterations of Hematology and Cardiovascular Systems Case Study - 1

Alterations of Hematology and Cardiovascular Systems - Case Study Example For me transplantation is the last option and I will do everything possible to avoid it. In order to fully examine the extend of Mr. P’s heart condition, I will take him through the following medical tests namely; cardiac catheterization, pressure-volume loop analysis, X-ray and biopsy (Tung & Chang, 2009). I will use electrocardiogram to examine Mr. P heart rhythms at while he is at rest in order to understand how irregular they are. I will utilize a cardiac catheterization to measure pressure in Mr. P heart. Cardiac catheterization involves inserting a thin plastic tube via a blood vessel until it reaches the heart whereby a dye is introduced into the blood vessels and then conducting X-rays so as to evaluate the heart’s structure and function. At the same time, I may perform a pressure-volume loop test. This test evaluates the amount of blood flow put out by the heart during each beat. The results will help me pinpoint what type of cardiomyopathy Mr. P might have. I may also take chest X-rays to see if Mr. P’s heart is enlarged. Further I may take a biopsy of Mr. P’s heart muscle. In this method, I will use anesthesia to insert a small needle into Mr. P’s heart to remove a small bit of tissue for laboratory tests in order know the extent of disease. I will recommend the following treatment for Mr. P heart problem namely: a) ACE inhibitors and vasodilators. The purpose of this treatment is to enlarge blood vessels so that blood flows can smoothly which in essence helps the heart to functions more capably b) Beta blockers-this type of treatment enhances the pumping action of heart’s blood pumping chamber-the left ventricle c) digitalis- this kind of treatment increases the pumping action of the entire heart and d) diuretics – which help the body get rid of excess salt and water. One of the major roles of a nurse is to provide patients and family with relevant information